Latest update: 2024-09-23
Hi! I am Stefano Aretusini. I was born in 31/08/1989 in Rovigo (Italy).
I am a 35 years old Postdoctoral researcher working at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Roma, Italy). I authored so far 19 papers in peer-reviewed JRC-ISI journals.
My research is focused on the deformation processes governing dynamic strength of geomaterials at deformation rates typical of earthquake slip. It is a multidisciplinary research approach, in which the rock deformation experiment simulating the earthquake is followed by modelling and observation of microstructures (SEM, TEM, Raman, XRPD). The objective is understanding the processes governing dynamic strength and scale it to the earthquake source via constitutive relationships.
In my Ph. D. I learnt to reproduce in the laboratory the earthquake slip on simulated faults using a state-of-the-art rotary shear apparatuses (University of Padova, Padova, Italy and INGV, Rome, Italy). I learnt FE and FEM numerical modelling using built-in softwares (Comsol Multiphysics) and self-made codes (Matlab). Modelling included the following physical problems: frictional heat, thermal diffusion and coupled frictional heat – pressurization of pore fluid (thermal pressurization). I developed skills in the use of the following micro-analytical techniques: scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction. I developed skills in Rietveld modelling of X-ray powder diffraction profiles for quantitative mineralogical analyses and estimation of amorphous material content.
I design sample holders with FreeCad. I write my own data analysis in Matlab and Python. I am now passionate about Open Data, Research Data Management Systems, and finally: Seismology.
In addition to my research activities, I work in collaboration with INGV and DPC for the seismic monitoring of Italy and the tsunami alert system (since october 2023).
Here are: my short CV, my publications, again, my codes, my open data.
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